happy besday mama.....

Posted by myra_bunny on Thursday, April 29, 2010. Filed under:
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happy besday mama...a.k.a my mum...hehehee......
walaupon along slalu degil2...kiki....tp along syg ma...
adeh2...sobs2...maw nanes..uuuu.....
rindu.....lame da x balik umah....huhuhu...
owh..lupe nk cite ngan u all...
daddy i dtg s.alam ari tue...
the story goes like dis.......
ari jumaat = kol daddy,sj2 nk tnye khabar...then daddy ckp..along nk bwk blik brg x, abah nk dtg kl, ade kursus.....huaaaa..lompat kesukaaan, kejiwangan, kegembiraan...hahahahaa...suke2..suke...sukeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
n waiting for my daddy to come....not waiting for my rocket to come eyh....hehehe....
then on ari slase....about 2 pm lbeh2 kurang..daddy kol...n said..."abah dtg kul 5 cmtuh la ek along"....time tuh kt library, da x senang duduk dahhh..heheheheh......
pdhal tgh study tuk QC {paper soknye, uuuu xhengat pape dahhh}...lalalaaaa....
then at 3++ i blik umah sewa, tdo jap..
hehehehe.....then at 4.30 bgn tido......
then daddy kol.......ckp, abah dah on d way neyh........
yeyeahhh........bru nk g mandi...
rela tu x mkn sgt sbb daddy nk dtg..uuuuu excited2...kikikiki...
ermm..then daddy dtg.....yeay2......
back to story, happy besday mama.....

happy couple...weeee....

we are family..v2.0

we are family..v2.2

conclusion = saye syg family saye...wlaupon ade adik2 yg sgt sengal..hahhaaa...babaaii...


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heheheh....smlm bru je abes paper QC..
ohhh..sunggoh2 sengal paper itu yerk...
ak da goreng terbaeekk pnye tuk paper tuh...
hahahahaa...ntahlaa..ak bantai jerk jwb beb......
ape nk jdk, jdk laaa...uuuuuu...........
tinggal lg dua paper....emmmm, management n energy......
uuuu...sgt2la jeles ngan org dsne yer...
nape laa awk abes paper awl sgt2!!!!..ngeeeee....
okeh..skrg tgh lepak2 kt lab...yg ade aircond n internet free.....hahahahahaa...
jgn jeles tuan2 n puan2.....hahahahaa....
datin tyra tgh gelak2 ngan lg tenda biru yg bengong....
lawak giler tgh tyra neyh....gelak guling2 minah neyh...adoi........huuuu..
tyra ..tyra...huhuhuhu...
klah..maw wat mende len plak..mwahahahahaa....

a day out in d lab....againnnn?????

Posted by myra_bunny on Thursday, April 22, 2010. Filed under:
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ohh..skrg tgh final exam...
n smlm bru jek abes 1 st paper...oreochemistry...ehhh..bkn2....

cmner paper tu???damn!!!..huhuhu,...
mls nk pikio dahh....hopefully lulus jerk...huhu..aminnnn...
skrg nie lab adelah tmpat study saye yer.....kalo kt library..sgt, amat, super-duper bising..
huuuuuuuu...mcm library tue korg yg pnye plakk kan....uwaaaa...sobs3...
okeh..mari cite life study kt lab..hahahaa...
kite mulakan dgn segmen mkn bersame emir hafidz...hehehe....
jgn mrh ye meme...mem besar pon jgn mrh....pinjam emir kjap..hahaha

tu dia...mkn nasi lemak kt hakim..wawawawa

pstu mula bergerak peg lab...huhuhu...sila lihat muke saye yg happy ini....

dah x study ag...mst la happy..wawahaha

pstu lame2 bc note oleo tuh...kpale otak pon da jem smcm..hahahaha.....adeh3..mmg seksa btoi paper neyh...bygkan, soklan no 1 pon saye leh blurr...huhu....seb bek dpt jwb soklan itu..kikikiki.....lame2 muke shaye pon jd la cmnie....

ohhh..agak tomey disitu....hahahaa.....kunun!

pstu lame2......huaaaaaaa....ngantokk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
g jln2 kaco org kjap..blik meja sndirik....jd cmnie plakk...huuuuu

shaye bam2...sekian time kaseyyy!!..hahaa

pstu da lame sgt....mari pulang..hahahaaa........before pulangg skali ag pose bam2 kt cam..hahahaa....nah2 amek..wawawawa...

okeh.. a day out in lab sudah smpai penghujung..kikiki.....daaaa......

i'm sorry.....:(

Posted by myra_bunny on Monday, April 19, 2010. Filed under:
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final exam is juz around d corner...
and i'm still here....blogging.....huuuuu....
juz wanna say sorry for all d wrong things dat i've done.....
to all my frens...happy exam week okey...
to GGR= study smart, not hard kay...*wink*
to you-know-who-you-are.....
sorry sgt2...for all d merajuk2, saket2 ati, perli2 whatsoever....
didn't mean to hurt u dear...juz cherish d moments kay...(^.^)V
*ttbe lak jiwang2 dlm blog*..hahahaaa...
okey...back to story....
wishing all my frens...happy exam week...
to GGR- lps exam kte tgk firefly yok!

twilight??????..naaahh...Vanilla Twilight...kiki

Posted by myra_bunny on Sunday, April 11, 2010. Filed under:
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ello againn!....
skrg sgt2 suke...hyper....n teruja dgr lg owl city..huhuhu...
x taw nape...tp lg die sweet dowh!...*sume lg ko ckp sweet...mentang2 la ko ske myra oiii...*
hurmmm.......dunno lahh...
nie salah satu songs dlm album die..
Vanilla Twilight...hehehe......uishhh, kalo dpt tgk Twilight ag best gile...
Robert Pattinson super-duper extra-awesome handsome!!!!...
hahahahaha..adeh2 kang ado yg majuk nie haaa...
*okeh2 cover2 line k....nyorok blakang bobo ker...lalalalalala....*
okeh3......meh3 dgr yeh...kikiki......

The stars lean down to kiss you,
And I lie awake I miss you,
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere.
Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly,
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'll send a postcard to you dear,
Cause I wish you were here.

I watch the night turn light blue,
But it's not the same without you,
Because it takes two to whisper quietly,
The silence isn't so bad,
Till I look at my hands and feel sad,
Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly.

I'll find opposing new ways,
Though I haven't slept in two days,
Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone.
But drenched in Vanilla twilight,
I'll sit on the front porch all night,
Waist deep in thought because when I think of you.
I don't feel so alone.
I don't feel so alone.
I don't feel so alone.

As many times as I blink I'll think of you... tonight.
I'll think of you tonight.

When violet eyes get brighter,
And heavy wings grow lighter,
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again.
And I'll forget the world that I knew,
But I swear I won't forget you,
Oh if my voice could reach back through the past,
I'd whisper in your ear,
Oh darling I wish you were here.

kinda missing everyone rite now...
dad, mum....my kitty at home....wait for me kay.......huhu..*wink3*

okeh2,,dah la tue...maw g mandi..
pg2 nk g library aaa...jap g ikhwan dtg amek..ekekekeke....

kelip-kelip = fireflies....weeeee

Posted by myra_bunny on Tuesday, April 6, 2010. Filed under:
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kelip-kelip itu fireflies...
fireflies itu kelip-kelip....mwahahahahaa....
*pg2 da wat gile...hek5...*..
mst korg taw kelip-kelip tu ape kan...
alahh..yg ade light kt bontot die tuh...hek3....
agak2 ade org cmtue x???hahaaahaha....*gile3*...
ermm..actually nie lg dr owl city....
so skrg dok dgr lg nie je laaa..hehehehe....best oooo....
sweeet dowh!...
da2..meh3 ....

Lyrics to Fireflies :
You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Lit up the world as I fell asleep
Cause they fill the open air
And leave teardrops everywhere
You'd think me rude, but I
Would just stand and stare.

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly.
It's hard to say that I'd
Rather stay awake when I'm asleep,
Cause everything is never as it seems.

Cause I'd get a thousand hugs
From ten thousand lightening bugs
As they tried to teach me how to dance.
A foxtrot above my head,
A sock-hop beneath my bed,
The disco ball is just hanging by a thread.

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly.
It's hard to say that I'd
Rather stay awake when I'm asleep,
Cause everything is never as it seems.
(When I fall asleep.)

Leave my door open just a crack.
(Please take me away from here.)
Cause I feel like such an insomniac.
(Please take me away from here.)
Why do I tire of counting sheep?
(Please take me away from here.)
When I'm far too tired to fall asleep
To ten million fireflies.
I'm weird, cause I hate goodbyes
I got misty eyes as they said farewell.
But I'll know where several are
If my dreams get real bizarre
Cause I saved a few,
And I keep them in a jar.

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly.
It's hard to say that I'd
Rather stay awake when I'm asleep,
Cause everything is never as it seems.
(When I fall asleep.)

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly.
It's hard to say that I'd
Rather stay awake when I'm asleep
Because my dreams are bursting at the seams

for GGR-ianss....bile maw tgk kelip2...huuuuu....;p

saye gorgeous...????ye ke??hahahaa...

Posted by myra_bunny on Sunday, April 4, 2010. Filed under:
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huhu...berbalik pd title yg terletak elok kt atas tuh...
jgn pecaye sgt taw..hahahahaa........
bcoz last friday we had our BSAC dinner held at Banquet Hall, MBSA Shah Alam..
huhu...remember my post ???d one wif jalan2 at jalan TAR and Bukit Bintang???
nak tgk bj yg i beli tue??..hehehe.....jeng..jeng..jeng...

kikiki...cantek x???baju je la kan???orgnye x de la brape cantek sgt...mwahhahaa....

okey, back to dinner story....
ermm....first tyme having my make-up done by other person...slalu wat sndiri jerk...heheheh....*pndai ke ak mekap*..haha..biarlah rahsia...
linda dak fizik kwn ryhan yg tlg mekapkn kitorg....with flying colors k..huhuhu....
sy suke mekap saye!!!!...*lompat2 before peg dinner*..

so at around 8 pm da gerak ke tempat tujuan nek kete ikhwan bersame ryhan...
smpai2 jer da gmbar sakan..hehehehe...*i'm a photo freak*...
bile lg kn nk amek gmbr ngan kwn2..pasnie da x taw sume peg mane...so cherish all d moments....okey laaa..enuf wif all d chitchats...meh3 tgk gmbr sdh....

all d single ladies...hahaha..single ker????*wink3*
wif ma frens......

hai..i kt dinner neyh..lalalallaa....

ttbe plak i tergedik kt ctu..keh5....

okey, after dinner ended, kitorg bwk balik kek...haaaa..ade kek ker???hehehe...
actually ade launching of alumni bsac n a cake was there...so we made up a plan..bcoz ikhwan and wan bday is coming...so we decided to celebrate their bday!..yeay!!!.....
happy bday my dearie frens.......love u lots..muahhxxxx....


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GGR????ape itu GGR..???
adekah satu pertubuhan underground????huhuhu...
hahahaa..mn ade....
GGR = Geng-geng Ronggeng....yippie!..
inilah kawan2 saye yg sudi bkongsi ssh senang bersame...chewah...
agak2 melankolia pg2 buta neyh...huhuhuhu.....
antara plan2 GGR???

  1. jalan2 sakan dishopping2 mall..
  2. peg melaka umah wan n fareez...
  3. peg kalumpang umah yasen
  4. barbeque kt tasek sec 7..huhu...
  5. study kt merata2 tempat...hahaa..tipu jerk..slalu kt kfc sec 7 jer...
  6. ttinggal lg 1...adoi..frisbee la...ape lagi..maap GGR-ianss...;p
mcm2 ag...x dapek nk pikio dahh....huhuhu....byk la mende2 yg kitorg went through together...dats what frens are for ryte???huhu....maw tgk gmbr???silakan....

wanna know d GGR members???*chewah..cm boyband la plak......everybody rock your body yeah!..lalalalalaa*

>thx for making my life in shah alam happier than ever...thx to :

  1. datin tirah ----ke"datin"an anda wat sy gelak2...
  2. wannurulazreena ---thx for hearing me out...helping me in my tough times
  3. ikhwan hadi --- hahaha..thx for all d jalan2...kiki..
  4. raihan zalikha --- thx for all d gossips....ekekeke...
  5. mike --- frisbee....ur d man!
  6. emir hafidz --- meme, u rock!
  7. fareez --- huhu...for d malacca trip, ur awesome!
  8. yasen --- kalumpang, yippie!
  9. acap --- frisbee guy juge..thx for d treat last thursday!
  10. padil --- nice befriending u....