Posted by myra_bunny on Saturday, October 31, 2009. Filed under:
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bru lps mkn ( tghari + mlm)..huhu...
syukur pd Tuhan coz still dpt rase makanan yg best2..
ok2.jgn mrh2 k....
actually da abes da paper pg td..n lps exam bese laa..
ilangkn tension dgn mkn..weeeee....:p

nsib bek bile blik ade bus uitm....
tp kne tunggu agak lm la coz pakcik tuh nk penuhkn bus....
so berpesan pd perut yg tgh nyanyi2 lg 21 guns...haha..
(eyh, perut pon leh nyanyi ke???..lalaalalalaa...)
sabo2..jap g kite g mkn yeh!!..

smpai kt bus stop, n menuju ke gerai makan...
adeh2...ramai yg amat org myerbu ke kedai2 mkn yg ade....
punah selera nk mkn..huhu...
tp td ttbe jumpe ain sahari..rakan satu batch time mrsm dl..
huhuhu...da lm dok s.alam bru ko hengat nk jumpe kwn2 ke myra???
kikikiki.......borak2 jap..
pastu katil da memanggil2...
huh..x g mkn gak tuh..sengal pnye pompuan..hohoh......

blik bsuh bj..mandi....tdo...zzzzzzz..:)
mlm nie nk start enjin study blik...
lusa ade spectro (nm penuh die sila tgk diatas ye...;P)
sgt takot...x taw nape...adeh2...
insyaallah sume ok kot ( comforting myself down..)
lgpon Allah once said, Dia x kn tolong hamba-Nya kalo hamba-Nya x berusaha..
skrg berpegang kpd prinsip itu...huhu...
lps jwb exam..tawakal n doa byk2...aminn...
so all d best to everyone....

sorry kalo x de lawak2 pd post neyh....
ttbe lak ilang lps mkn..hoho...;p

tomorrow..battle of BIOTECHNOLOGY..

Posted by myra_bunny on Friday, October 30, 2009. Filed under:
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hallo everyone...
Guten Tag!...(german for Good Day!)...
hmmm...entry ini ditulis slps hafalized notes biotech yg sgt byk2...
terpaksa stop kjap..huhu..nnt kang brasap lak otakku...huhu

kt luar nk ujan...lately da slalu ujan..huhu..
n bkn ujan bese...disertakn bersama kilat + petir + guruh..
huhu.....nmpknye malaikat nk tembak setan2 yg byk kt s.alam nie...
org ckp time ujan adelah time yg best tuk tdo..
huhu..maybe rite...but skrg x leh nk tdo byk sgt dah..huhu....

for me , i love rain..hehe...;p
sjuk je rase...best2..hihi...

tomorrow will be d first paper....
principles of biotechnology...
wish me luck everyone....bubbye..;)


Posted by myra_bunny on Thursday, October 29, 2009. Filed under:
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tgh2 study mlm gini...dgr lg sbg hiburan bior mate x ngantok...
tbe dgr lg ini..huhuh...pstu ttbe wonder, kt mn eyh penah dgr lg nie...
(dgn jari2 yg kecik tomey berada dkpale..heii, bkn garu kpale yg gatal ngan kelemumur k..!!)
bukak lappy ku n cari dimnkah lg ini myorok..
cari pnye cari...
rupe2nye indie band mesia yg nyanyi..

such a nice, simple song...:)
me lovin it..huhu...


Sounds straight from the twilight has me up all night
I can't fall asleep coz i keep thinking of you
And i, saw a shadow outside my window...and it's you!

All my sorrows flew away
Hush keep quiet hear me say
I don't ever want you to go
Please stay...
With the moonlight dancing free, and there's no one but you and me
There's no reason to go astray
Please stay...

Making up a story
It's the way you're lookin' at me
If you think that this is's just you

Try and think about it
If you're heart is closed, don't lock it
Keep your keys back in your pocket, think this through

All my sorrows flew away
Hush keep quiet hear me say
Idon't ever want you to go
Please stay...
With the moonlight dancing free, and there's no one but you and me
There's no reason to go astray
Please stay...

kalo penah tgk vid die...
die shoot kt putrajaya jer...
x de bj lawa2 cm siti nurhaliza...kris dayanti ke...sape2 lah yg ske melaram...huhu...
sdh2,nnt kang kne saman plak...huhu...
sempoi jer...mmg slamber jer diorg neyh..:)

tidak keruan....

Posted by myra_bunny on Tuesday, October 27, 2009.
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juz a simple message here...
uwaaa...x ske perasaan nk exam..uhuhu....
kne sabo la ye cik myra....
ingat tuhan...doa jgn lupe...insyaallah sume slamat..
~try nk motivate diri~

err..german ckp ye smoga berjaye??


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ahh...optimus yg hensem bergaye...:P

i'm sure u guys da tgk transformers kn??hihi...
for me, transformers reminded me of my childhood days...
huhu..dlm kt tv1 kalo x cilap laa..ari ahad kul gile tgk kartun die..
slalu tgk berdua ngan adik..berdua dgnmu, pasti lbh baik...
adeh2,,sdh2..uhuhu..kang acha mrh lak kang...hoho...
skrg kt astro ceria pon da tukar kul 12 mlm plak..hihi..
for some people, they are juz a piece of scrap metals..
okey corrosion is triggered by many factors on the metal..aishh, nk ajar corrosion plak ke???
huhu..for me as said earlier..
reminded me of my childhood days...
slalu tgk..eyhh, bkn slalu..tiap2 minggu tgk kot..
smpai ade satu kali tue x de letrik....
siap dok merengek2 mintak ngan daddy nk tgk..
cmne nk tgk, len la daddyku ade harry potter pnye magic wand..hahaha..
adeh2, x dapek eden nk bygkn haaa..huhu...

bile taw je si micheal bay tuh nk wat cite transformers..huhu...
dlm ati berbunga2 ...di luar ati terkinja2..huhu..
heyy...sila behave okeh!!!...
mmg senyum smpai tlinga la...
bile dpt je yg mmber download..n gmbr die sgt2 terang n jelas..
waaa..sgt kagum..amazed..n my memories comes back..huhu..:)
then my fave autobots = optimus prime is so handsome..hihi...
okey, kalo sesape mmbace..sila jgn jeles k..bumblebee pon hensem gak..haha..;p

hope pakcik micheal bay akan wat lg transformers 3..mmg ptut wat pon..
si megatron x sedar diri, da mampos idup blik tu mmg mnyusahkn...
bak kate cite p.ramlee...kecik2 x nk mampos, sudah besar myusahkan org..huhu...
tp kalo x de villain cm kosong lak cite tuh..hihi...:p

okeh pd sume = transformers is not juz a piece of scrap metal..:D
brings all my childhood memories back together again..:)


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haha..ttbe plak jd minah jepon....huhu..
rum8 dok tgk 1 litre of tears sne...nanes2 smpai abes satu kotak tisu..hohoh...
sgt2 tipu okey...jgn pecaye si myra neyh..agagagaa...
smlm, brapa byk u maw kn haa??)..hihi..
stelah abes study, maw bersiap2 off to dreamland..
tbe2, tdgr bunyi anjing kt blakang kolej nie haa...
adoi2..dah la mlm2 gini..opsssie, sorry pg2 gini...
seb bek bilik kt 6th floor..kalo x, angkat tilam bantal n lari ke mane2 yg bleh terima...
adeh, nk jd pelarian ke???
nie bknnye war zone..hohoh....
bc je pape yg terlintas kt fikiran tuh...n wat dunno je..huhu..
pstu ttdo smpai pg...haissh, mst la bgn smayang subuh...
solat tuh tiang agama..(okey ceramah bersame ustazah myra skejap..kiki)
then smbung tdo blik...
bgn2 je rum8 sdg menonton 1litre of tears..hehehe...
daku berjaye mmpengaruhi beliau supaye menonton...
hahaha..skrg, tgk air mata u..
bleh isi satu baldi x???
nnt bg kt sultan mahmud k, die nk peg pinang puteri gunung ledang tuh..
haahhaha...adeh2, mgarut je taw..adoi2....:p

one..21 guns...

Posted by myra_bunny on Monday, October 26, 2009.
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me lovin' dis song...
y???..featured in transformers film...part mn??
tgk la sndiri..hahaha...
wlaupon video klip die agak x snonoh diakhir siaran...kiki
hmm......lg nie best...kalo boring2...layannnn..:)

Do you know what's worth fighting for?
When it's not worth dying for?
Does it take your breath away..and you feel yourself suffocating

Does the pain weigh out the pride?
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break you heart're in ruins..

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and i

When you're at he end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul

Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last...your in ruins...

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and i

Did you try to live on your own?
When you burned down thee house and home?
Did you stand too close to the fire
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone?

When it's time to live and let die..and you can't get another try
Something inside this heart has're in ruins...

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and i


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today, tlah antar lab report yg sgt memeningkn kpale otakku ini..hahaha..
so, bile da antar lab report, bermula la segala pnyeksaan tuk mgadapi final exam...

adeh2...huhu....mcm x sanggup je rsnye...

td rs sgt stress, x taw nk lari blik umah jugak skrg...

myra, sila berperangai baek okeh...ttbe nk blik nih nape???

rindu la sm family...huhu........pdhal bru je smlm talkin' n gosip2 ngan parents...

hahaha...memandai je...x taw la...lately kerinduan mkin mdalam...
but, its ok...kne study dl n hadapi final exam....
pstu ko nk blik cium daddy mummy ko tiap2 ari pon xpe...
haishhh....x leh kaco diorg..hihihihi.....teeeettttt...hahaha
plus sgt rindu sm "budak ini"..huhu...


my kitty...chomey x die???
ade cm tuan die x...hehhe...
nie la my cat....
sgt manje...x kdg2 x dgr cakap jgk..
time tue rs cm nk pegang2 n peluk puas2...huhu..
xpe..peluk kucing...x haramm...hahahaha....

juz counting days to get home....
kitty wait for me k..huhu...

luv is???

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what is love???
does everyone feels happy when their in love??
huhu..i dunno..x penah mgalami pengalaman ini..
adeh2..gila la minah nie...x penah bercinta...hahaaha..
but i'm okay with dat....
maybe soon..agagagaa..hihihi...
but for me..being in love is where u respect each other...
accepting both of urselves truly n honestly..
have a shoulder to cry on n making us laugh when it's needed...
i juz need someone to hear me out...
accepting me as i am...
correcting me if i do something wrong...
n support each other always...

adeh..ttbe lak jd jiwang2..huhuhuhu..
layan saje lah yer...
ok cik myra sila peg study skrg..kikiki...

W.E W.A.L.K...:)

Posted by myra_bunny Filed under:
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hello everyone....huhu...da lm da x update blog ku neyh..hahaa...
bz ngan urusan2 yg mmg x de pape pon sbnrnye....kikiki...

juz nk cite di suatu ptg yg sunyi sepi...chewah sunyi sepi..agagaa....
tgh sdap2 tdo lps abes klas n test...
ttbe henpon ckp.."berjumpe dgn action-ka-men"..hohhoohoho......
haishhh..action-ka-men ngan shin chan kt negeri jepon sne..bkn kt cni k...
ini ade lah sket2 perbualan ari tuh..hahaa, cm ckp tipon jer..lalalla..

wannurulazreena : akak, nk mkn luar x ptg nie?

me : haaa???kt ner???

wannurulazreena : ikut la org pose, mkn mknnan western pon xpe..
(actually sdg berpose 6 ari tuh, adeh2 da lm da ptut post neyh)

me : hmmm...(dgn wajah separa comel kerna ngantok)....kiki..

wannurulazreena : ikot la pizza ke kfc ke..secret recipe ke

me : thinking2..huhuhu..kpale cpat bpikir k...ttbe ting!!!
(chewah, cm cite kartun zmn kecik2 plak..hahaha)
pegi pizza jom!..hahaha..

wannurulazreena :okeh kak, kite jumpe ptg nnt k..huhu

so slps mandi n solat asar, maka kami berdua pon peg la ke tmpat idaman = PIZZA HUT..
huhuhu..bestnye..llalallala...jgn jeles k...

mari tgk snap2...

inilah satu babak dr film, crunchy with d chance of meatballs..haha

d pizza has arrived...:)
spaghetti...ooh lalala...

skrg tgk K.A.M.I pule yer..hohohoo...

miss wanurulazreena is happy..

me :lookin outside..:)

both of us..:P

muke k'kenyangan

slps mkn n mkn n mkn...huhu...(brape byk mkn nk tulis r???)..:P
peg solat maghrib...n bjalan2 keliling SACC Mall...huhu..
ttbe ku lihat kedai d body shop...huhu..
msuk jgn x msuk...
stlah mencari2 n memerhati n menikmati segala yg wangi2 kt d body shop tuh...
at last kami beli wild cherry body lotion...huhu'
sgt best bau die....mcm nk mkn je tgn sndiri..huhuhu...:)

ok lah da penat taip...len kali tulis lg...:)

waa..ari yg memenatkn..huhu

Posted by myra_bunny on Monday, October 12, 2009. Filed under:
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sml tlah mnyiapkn + memprint sume lab reports yg da siap..
sungguh penat okeh!!!..
huhuhu..x dpt dibygkn ngan kata2..hua5...
nie knape emosi sgt neyh...hahahahaah...
sorry la..entry2 skrg adelah bunsur pelajaran...
kerna tiada xtvr tuk dibuat selain study..
nnt la kalo ade xtvt yg best2 bru i update blog neyh jd gempak gitu...hahahahahaa.....
ko nie knape myra..???
sawan tarik ke hape??
kikiki...sorry la sume...

hectic life..hectic day...uwaaaa

Posted by myra_bunny on Saturday, October 10, 2009. Filed under:
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hello evryone!!!!..
1st time writing to ma blog here..huhu...
x taw ape nk ckp...
tp yg pasti ari neyh adelah ari2 yg spt slalu..
smlm tdo kul 3...
jgn tnye knape...huhuhuhu...
wat keje yg x sdh2 n mcm2 stuff lg...huhu...
bile la idup maw tenang neyh..huhu...adeh2..
jadual exam da kuar...sgt2 x best smpai rs cm geram pon ade...
sabo2 wahai hati...huhu....
dah la proposal blom siap agi...n supervisor da tnye..
bile u nk wat projek u neyh..???
ahaaaaaa....da kne wat ke???
sgt2 mls ok!!!!!,,,
daku ngan muke yg blur2...mmm, nnt sy pikir dl sir...
gile btol minah neyh..sabo la ye en supervisor..
studentmu ini mmg begini....hahahaha...
mm..ari nie sgt2 boring....abeskn keje yg x sdh2...huhu..
k lah,,maw smbg wat keje laie..